Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sweet tomato sauce onion chicken 洋葱酱油鸡翼


1) 鸡全腿 3支切块 (我用鸡翼)
2) 洋葱 2粒去皮切丝
3) 红辣椒 1条切丝

1) 盐 1/2小匙
2) 生抽 1小匙
3) 麻油 1小匙
4) 粟粉 1大匙

1) 甜酱油 3大匙
2) 番茄酱 2大匙
3) 水 50ml

1) 鸡肉加入腌料腌30分钟。
2) 烧热油,把鸡肉煎至金黄,起锅。
3) 炒香洋葱,加入全部材料和调味料大火炒至干香,即可上碟。

Source: 太吃记

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Chicken Wings in Lemon & Ginger Sauce

Chicken Wings in Lemon & Ginger Sauce
700 gm chicken wings (middle parts)
1 lemon
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
3 to 4 slices of lemon

1 Tbsp light soy sauce
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp cornflour
2 tsp Shaoxing wine
pinch of pepper

1 1/2 Tbsp honey
1 tsp light soy sauce
1 tsp cornflour
1 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp water

1. Cut chicken wings into chunks, and stir in marinade. Set aside for 30 minutes.
2. Heat frying pan with oil over medium heat. Fry chicken wings until both sides are brown.
3. Add grated ginger, cover and cook for a while. Once there are some steam release, cook 2 to 3 minutes more to make sure the chicken wings are cooked through.
4. Toss in seasoning and lemon slices, combine with the chicken wings.
5. Cook until sauce dries up a bit. Dish up. Serve hot.

Source: Christines Recipes

Pan-fried Chicken Wings with black pepper and Honey

Pan-fried Chicken Wings with black pepper and Honey
1 kg chicken wings
1 onion, shredded
1 tsp minced garlic
1 Tbsp honey (optional, to taste)
a dash of freshly crushed black peppercorns

1 tsp light soy sauce
2 Tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tsp cooking wine
1 Tbsp cornflour
1 Tbsp oyster sauce
a dash of ground black pepper

1. Rinse chicken wings and cut into pieces. Mix with marinade for at least 30 minutes.
2. Sauté shredded onion over medium heat in a wok until golden. Set aside.
3. Add oil to wok again, fry chicken wings until golden on both sides. Add garlic and saute until aromatic.
4. Pour in the remaining marinade, cover chicken wings and cook for about 10 minutes until cooked through. Add freshly crushed black peppercorns, toss in fried onion and stir well.
5.Add honey and mix well. Taste by yourself. If you are satisfied, dish up. Sprinkle some salt or add more honey to your taste if needed.

Source: Christines Recipes

Chicken Rice 马六甲鸡饭粒

1) 大鸡腿 3个
2) 盐 少许
3) 鱼露 数滴
4) 麻油 1茶匙
1) 把盐、鱼露涂在鸡腿上,放入蒸锅里蒸熟。取出鸡肉,把麻油涂上。
2) 蒸盘里流出的鸡精,留下煮饭或煮汤来配饭。
1) 大蒜 1个
2) 小葱 3粒
3) 姜茸 1茶匙
4) 白米 2杯
5) 鸡精(以上备用的)大约有半杯
6) 美琦鸡精粉 1茶匙
7) 麻油 1茶匙
8) 菜油 1汤匙
9) 班兰叶(数片)打结
10) 清水 3杯水(或者适量)
1) 把所有材料加入电子饭锅里,搅拌均匀。然后开电,像平时煮饭一样的把饭煮开。
2) 把煮好的饭取出,有点冷了再把饭团搓圆成粒粒鸡饭。
1) 自家准备的鸡饭不会比外卖的油腻。
2) 可以煎豆干淋上酱汁配饭。
3) 准备芽菜(芽菜用滚水烫过即可,淋上蒜香油)
4) 可以用鸡精煮个肉丸或鱼丸汤
1) 生抽 3汤匙
2) 麻油 1茶匙
3) 清水 5汤匙左右或适量
4) 冰糖 1 - 2 小颗
5) 胡椒粉 少许
1) 把以上材料煮滚待凉备用。可以淋在芽菜上面。
1) 红大辣椒 约100克(喜欢辣味的,可以多加红色小辣椒)
2) 姜茸 1/2汤匙
3) 大蒜 数片
4) 桔子皮 少许
5) 清水 适量
6) 盐、糖 适量
7) 桔子汁 适量
1) 把辣椒材料(除了盐、糖、桔子汁)放入电动搅拌机打烂至均匀。最后拌入适量的糖、盐和桔子汁。
食谱取自:Butter . Flour & Me 爱的心灵之约

Source: 太吃记

Thai Spicy Sesame Chicken 泰式辣酱芝麻鸡

1) 鸡腿 5只(切块)
2) 生抽 1汤匙
3) 糖 1茶匙
4) 胡椒粉 少许
5) 薯粉 1汤匙
1) 泰式辣椒酱 3汤匙
2) 番茄酱 2汤匙
3) 生抽 少许
4) 胡椒粉 少许
5) 糖 1汤匙
6) 鱼露 半茶匙
7) 水 半杯
1) 蒜米蓉 1汤匙
2) 白芝麻 适量(炒香)
1) 材料A全部搅拌均匀,腌半小时后用热油炸至香脆。
2) 用一汤匙油把蒜米蓉炒香。
3) 加入材料B煮滚,把炸至香脆的鸡肉倒入煮至汁稍干。
4) 上碟,洒上白芝麻即可。

Source: 太吃记

Char Kuey Teow 炒果条

1. 酱青/酱油 2/3 杯
2. 黑酱油一汤匙
3. 耗油两汤匙
4. 鱼露两茶匙
5. 糖一茶匙
做法: 混合均匀待用
1. 粿条
2. 韭菜
3. 豆芽
4. 大虾(一人三只)
5. 鸡蛋(一盘一粒)
6. 蒜头茸
7. 辣椒糊
8. 腊肠切片
9. Si Ham (随意)
10. 酱汁
11. 胡椒粉

1. 下油/猪油,爆香蒜头茸,下虾炒,下腊肠片炒
2. 下一半的豆芽兜炒
3. 接着下粿条同时下1 汤匙~1.5 汤匙的酱汁和辣椒糊快速炒均匀
4. 把粿条推到一旁,下点油,把蛋打下,滴一点酱汁和撒上胡椒粉
5. 之后把粿条盖在蛋上,同时把另一半的豆芽,韭菜和xi ham一起下
7. 兜炒均匀后就可上桌
1. 先放腊肠片是想把腊肠煎熟一点
2. 没有写出份量的调味料自己衡量,要辣的放多一点辣椒,不怕油的放多一点油。喜欢蛋的可以下两粒蛋,喜欢虾的可以放多一点。
3. 火候自己控制自己看着办ok!

Source: Ohbin

Ayam Masak Merah

【香辣红番茄鸡 Ayam Masak Merah】
1) 鸡全腿 4个,约1公斤(每个切成两块)
2) 盐 1茶匙
3) 黄姜粉 1茶匙
4) 胡椒粉 少许
1) 红葱头 4个
2) 蒜头 3瓣
3) 姜 1/2寸
4) 红辣椒 2条
1) 桂皮 2寸
2) 丁香 4个
3) 小豆蔻 4个
4) 洋葱 1粒(切片)
1) 番茄酱 1杯
2) 純番茄汁 1/4杯
3) 辣椒酱 1/4杯
4) 椰浆 200毫升
1) 水 1/2杯
2) 盐 1/2茶匙或适量
3) 白糖 1 1/2汤匙
4) 冷冻青豆 1杯
1) 用盐、黄姜粉和胡椒粉把鸡腿腌制至少30分钟。
2) 把香料(A)磨成糊。烧热油锅,把鸡腿表面煎成金黄色(不用熟),取出备用。
3) 把多余的油倒出来,只留2至3汤匙的油在锅里。
4) 以中火炒香香料糊,然后加入香料(B)和洋葱片,炒至洋葱片变成透明状。
5) 把其他材料(除了青豆)加入,再把鸡腿放入,煮至酱汁稍微收干即可。
6) 加入青豆,稍微煮一下子就可熄火。盛碟即可享用。

Source: 太吃记

Vietnamese Honey Chicken 越式蜜糖鸡

1) 细砂糖 5汤匙 + 半杯 清水(慢火煮成焦糖)
2) 大鸡腿 4个
3) 姜 1块(弄成姜茸)
4) 葱头仔 数粒(搅碎)
5) 米酒 1 - 2汤匙
6) 鱼露 2汤匙
7) 蜂蜜 1 - 2汤匙
1) 胡椒粉 少许
2) 盐 少许(盐也可不加)
3) 生粉 1茶匙 + 清水打芡 少许
1) 鸡肉清洗后,抹干后涂上姜茸和葱头碎。
2) 锅里加入少许的油,把鸡肉放入煎香至有点褐黄色。
3) 加入米酒、焦糖、搅拌均匀后,可以把锅盖关上焖炬一会儿至鸡肉8-9分熟。
4) 然后开盖,加入适量的鱼露和蜂蜜。最后加入玉米粉打芡即可。

Source: 太吃记

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Homemade Chinese Pork Jerky (Bak Kwa)

Homemade Chinese Pork Jerky (Bak Kwa)
Makes 9pcs, perfectly for a tray size 13”x13” (4mm height)

450g minced pork (at least with 10% fat)
100g sugar
1tbsp light soy sauce
1/2tbsp Chinese rice wine
1/2tbsp fish sauce
1tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp dark caramel sauce
1/8tsp Chinese five spices powder
A dash of Pepper
1/2tsp-3/4tsp salt or to taste
2tbsp honey

1. Put all ingredients in a big bowl and start mixing them with a pair of chopsticks. Blend and stir the mixture in one direction until the meat becomes gluey. Store in the fridge for several hours.

2. Spread the marinated minced pork thinly onto the baking tray.

3. Bake at pre-heated oven at 160C (320F) for 20mins. Remove from
oven. Increase the oven temperature to 240c.

4. Wait to slightly cool, cut into your desired size and shape using scissor or knife, place them in the same baking tray.

5. Grill (top heat only) one side at 240C for 10mins, remove from oven, flip over another side, wait oven back to 240C and grill for 7mins or until golden brown with slight burnt.

* If your oven doesn't have a grill function, you could use broil. After step 4, place them on a grill rack and a baking tray at the bottom and broil for 2-3 minutes. Monitor them every minute until they are golden brown with slight burnt. Do the same for the other side.

Source: 美食甜品大搜索

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